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I applied for a position. What happens now?
Applications will be reviewed, and you will be updated regarding the status of your application throughout the process via email.

We may experience a high volume of applications for some roles so some recruitment campaigns may take up to 8 weeks to complete. We will update you on your application as soon as possible. You can assist the process by ensuring that your application is complete and up to date.


Do I need eligibility to work in Australia? 
The Diocese is legally obliged to check and ensure that all workers who are engaged are an Australian citizen (or have appropriate work entitlements). 


An individual is eligible to work in Australia if they are: 

  • Australian citizens
  • Australian permanent residents
  • New Zealand citizens who entered Australia on a current New Zealand passport
  • Non-Australian citizens holding a valid visa with work entitlements (It is important to note that not all visas allow people to work in Australia) 


Under the legislation, it is not sufficient to simply ask a person if they are an Australian citizen. Therefore, you will be required to provided evidence of your eligibility to work in Australia upon employment. Your evidence of eligibility must be one of: 

  • A full Australian Birth Certificate
  • An Australian Citizenship Certificate
  • An Australian Passport
  • A valid visa permitting you to work for the duration of the position. 


Do you need to be Catholic? 
You do not need to be Catholic to apply for positions at the Diocese. Our service areas are diverse, and we welcome respectful engagement with other faith and non-faith perspectives.  

Some positions will call for a high-level understanding of the Catholic Church and its ministries, and by virtue of the position will require practicing Catholics to apply. 


Why work for the Catholic Diocese of Cairns? 
Guided by the values of Catholic Social Teaching, our work contributes to the work of the Church, making a difference in the community.  The breadth of the diocese means that we have many career paths to explore to match your skills and interest.  The diocese seeks to be an employer of choice and offers terms above NES including access to long service leave at 7 years, additional superannuation contributions, and additional compassionate leave. 

We have offices on Lake Street, Cairns and sites at various parish centres in our region. 


What is the corporate structure of the Diocese? 
The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Cairns (RCTC) is the governing body that oversees 
the Diocese, Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns (CEDC), Centacare FNQ and Catholic Early Learning and Care (CELC), with the Bishop of Cairns serving as its sole trustee.