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Declaration of Prior Conduct 
The Catholic Diocese of Cairns has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries and services. The safety and wellbeing of children, young people and adults-at-risk is paramount.  All applicants who progress to interview stage of the recruitment process will be required to submit a The Declaration of Prior Conduct Form to ensure employees are suitable for working with children, youth and/ or adults at-risk.

The Declaration of Prior Conduct  is strictly confidential and, except under compulsion of law, will be seen only by those involved in the recruitment and appointment process. Any person who cannot fully satisfy this declaration must not commence work until a suitability assessment has been completed. For employees, HR policies and procedures will be applied.

Any person who cannot fully confirm the declaration, or declines to confirm it, must not commence the recruitment process until a suitability assessment has been completed. 

A disclosure of relevant prior conduct does not automatically disqualify a person from employment but will be taken into consideration in determining an appropriate role (if any). 


Disclosure of pre-existing injury
Our organisation is committed to providing a safe working environment. As part of this commitment we need to ensure that employees meet the inherent requirements of their role and are not required to perform duties that they may not be able to perform safely.

Applicants are requirement to disclose relevant issues that: 

  • may adversely affect their ability to carry out the functions and duties described in the position;
  • could be affected by the proposed employment; or
  • may impact upon the capacity to perform the inherent requirements of the Position.